So it's a new year and want to talk about my current worries. I feel each year I worry more about my health as I am a year older each year. I fear not wearing a jacket I will die of the flu or something?

With my ocd I keep getting the urge to throw away clothes of any urine or if I touch the toilet roll and there's any poo marks I won't wear clothes again. A few months back some beans spilt on jeans so I never wore them again.

Also I have to be near a shower when I need the toilet as I get loose stools. I usually go in the morning so I know it's good to shower or late at night when I can shower. I use to go mid day but my job only gives a half hour break rather than an hour so I feel trying to go on the morning is best? I use to go lots but I'm more relaxed now but I keep worrying what the correct toilet pattern should be.

I still get the odd depersonalisation thing going on for some reason it's the same places and maybe new places don't bother me as much?

Also the age thing always worries me I feel old but every year mention it I am
older and just wish I could stay young for longer rather than being old. I don't want to look old either.

Anybody else get these worries how can I sort it?