Hi everyone,

Since April last year, I noticed a white patch on my tongue (which didn't bother me) but I decided to go dentist to have it checked out. The dentist wasn't concerned but as I have health anxiety, I decided to get another opinion so I had it checked by another dentist.

Neither were particularly concerned. As time went on (getting to October/November) and I had noticed more of this white appear on the side of my tongue. My anxiety has been so high (2013) in particular as my mum has cancer and my best close friend died suddenly. I noticed this white appearing again and I went back to the dentist who has said they aren't concerned again. I feel a dryness at the top left of my mouth and the dentist stated he thinks it looks like Lichen Planus. When you Google that, it isn't pleasant and doesn't really go away. He said he isn't sure if it's that on my tongue but at the top he thinks it might be. I am petrified I have oral cancer, I have been to see the dentist a few times and he is so lovely and reassuring but I have this uncomfortable dry feeling in my mouth at the top and when I googled.... it scared me.

The dentist thinks I am chewing / grinding in my sleep. My jaws do ache a lot and I have sore ear (left) where white is. I googled that though... worst thing I could have done! it says when oral cancer spreads you can get ear ache. I am just so worried that I don't know what to do. Do dentists actually know what's what? do they really know?