I've had sore hips for the last couple weeks and am waiting to get into the doc. I'm reasonably sure it's just from tense muscles and overwrought nerves, but it's hard not to catastrophize especially when simply looking up "exercises for sore hips and thighs" yields hits about athlerosclerosis and dvt.

I thought I was feeling better about it, especially since my husband deals with much the same discomfort in his hips... But then last night my legs hurt and we got a late phone call that woke us up, and then he tossed and turned all night which meant I didn't get a solid sleep.

Everytime I woke up I was coming out of a dream, and then everytime I fell asleep again I had that weird wave of panic as I dropped off. This morning I'm tired and feel spacey.

And it's dark out... And it's supposed to get stupidly cold today. Can't catch a break.

That's my vent for today. I do have hopes things will look up.