I have been taking 2.5mgs of Cit and i dont care what any medical professional says I can feel the difference already.
Seriously 30 minutes after taking the first dose I could feel a tingling in my brain...and hour and a half later I experienced the most bizarre derealization this lasted 2 hrs. My heart rate has dropped and sometimes it is uncomfortable as it flip flops all over the place. By day 3 on this low dose (remember I am VERY VERY sensitive to drugs) I could feel my brain changing and the deep low mood I have been suffering from started to lift.......I know what you are all thinking it's the placebo effect!!!! But I really think it is not.......I can feel sensations in my head just like the sensations when I was withdrawing from Cit 3 years ago. The side effects come on 2 hrs after I take my quarter of a tablet.
I am not there yet completely with my mood lifting and I shall continue on this dose until the SE's disappear...then go up to 5mgs.

I have posted this on the pregabalin thread as well as my story is on that post........

I am restarting Citalopram after 3 years off it. That maximum I can take is 10mgs as I cannot tolerate a higher dose
