
I was originally prescribed 60mg of propranolol to be taken in 20mg batches 3 times per day (For Anxiety) after working well for the first 2 months I started taking them less and less before eventually stopping. I then had a major relapse just before xmas!

I know it clearly states that you should speak to the doctor before stopping the medication but saying as i reduced the dose i figured that I was probably doing what the doctor wouldve said to do anyway!?

Anyway, I went back to the GP to inform them of my relapse and I was prescribed Bedranol? which is Propranolol but 80mg in a 1 per day slow release capsual. Although its the same medication it has effected me in a completely different way!? Has anyone else experienced this?

I actually persevered with the slow release for 3 weeks. I went back on the 20mg 3 times a day and i feel much better!

Is this mind over matter?! Has anyone else had both forms of the medication?
