I'm hoping someone can please help me as I'm stuck! Basically I'm addicted to diazepam and have been for 4 years I'm now taking 15mg a day. I have been on sertrline before but I can't remember if it helped or not!
I want to come off the diazepam on a slow taper like dropping 1mg a month. The doctors don't know what to do with me so they referred me to a drug substance misuse place (even though I'm not misusing it). They didn't know what to do with me either as they only deal with hard drugs like crack and smack that kind of thing.
I'm wondering if going on to sertrline would help me in my diazepam taper and also help with the anxiety and depression.

I'm stuck, if the doctors and drug place don't know how to help me what can I do lol.
I know the start up effects of sertrline are pretty tough and I would need the diazepam to get me through that period. But hopefully once it's kicked in I could start tapering off the diazepam.

Hoping someone can help me please