Well I am sick. I have neuro muscular sickness and with that I have real heart arrhythmia. That means not just fast bit and palpitations real arrhythmia.I used to get attack of my sickness and heart arrhythmia everywhere. On stars in my house, in garden, in shop, on trips...I finished few times in hospital with real arrhythmia (bigamy, frequent PVC, Atrial Fibrillation...)And what happens I started to be anxious to go out. First it was little bit and than gradually got like that I cannot go out anymore of house. My doctor is saying it is PTSP, but it s agoraphobia too. I tried exposure technique but it is not working because my heart really goes in real arrhythmia when I am scared and I cannot just stay in fear and say everything will be ok, because it s not like that. I am in danger to get such a hard arrhythmia to really need to go to hospital and take medications.
I really need any help because I want to be able to go out again till i still can walk.:-(