Having had a really bad night, it took some time to realise that being alone my thoughts/beliefs increase ten fold. All the family are asleep and I dont feel I can wake my husband up at 3.30am for reassuring words. I still find it incredibly hard to concentrate on TV or read so I truly do not know what to do.

There was a post which contained links about thoughts but I cant find it, has anyone any idea how I can?

I took two small steps today. Going to the newsagent with my son and asking for stamps. I know the lady well and she remarked how well I looked. I replied I could not stop eating now and she said good for you, carry on with the good work. (OK, I did interpret that differently).

We went to the park and I drove my car back home afterwards. It felt normal. I fail to understand why as soon as I stepped indoors the unreal feeling and depression smacked me in the face.

My husband is cooking a roast this evening as I find making meals too complicated ie timing etc. He appears to enjoy doing it though.

Take care of yourselves.

Fran XX