My ongoing stomach problems are causing me so much anxiety that I am out of my mind with worry. I'm wondering if it's gastritis, though thinking much worse. I have acidity, burning in stomach, nausea, all sorts of abdominal pains etc. I was taking esomeprazole for a few weeks, which helped but didn't cure, but stopped them last week. Now I'm even worse, with added heartburn. It's horrible. I can't think of anything other than my symptoms and am beside myself with anxiety. Worse still, I am a stupid smoker, which I know makes it worse, but am in such a state I am smoking even more. My daughter has just had a baby and I want to be able to help, but am so frightened about my stomach that I can't do anything. I am hopeless. I was in a terrible state when she was pregnant/ in labour because last time she was on life support! not expected to live. Thankfully this time, yesterday, she safely delivered a huge baby 10lb 7oz, but they have to stay in to check his glucose levels as he was so big. We are looking after her 2 year old but my husband is having to do everything because I can't cope. Am taking diazepam and started the esomeprazole again. I can't stop crying. Thanks for reading x