Hi Guys,

Well, i went away for the weekend up to my Aunties in Nottingham, drove all the way up there and back on my own panicing, all i seem to have done all weekend is panic, even when i was having full blown attacks i never felt this bad. i go in for my op on Thurs so that's prob why but i just cant seem to stop having them, there not really bad but enough to get me worrying, my husband say's that today my face is blotchy and i must admit i am very itchy everywhere, i do suffer with very mild eczema and i suppose this sitiation isnt helping.

I havnt smoked for over a week now as they say you should give up before an op so i did (cold turkey) and i must admit i'm not finding it very hard to do.

I keep getting a cold feeling in my chest like someones pouring very cold water through my vains, this is new to me and as you can imagine very worring.

I feel like i have talked all my mates ears off and now there board of me and this subject, so feeling very alone at the moment, hubby doesnt understand but does try to help.

Sorry for babbling, i am just so apprehensive at the moment, i cant help thinking the worst, i dont the monster to come back and i dont wont to die in the hopital!!!

Sorry and thanks
