I'm due my routine colonoscopy in a couple of weeks and I'm terrified! A polyp was found 6 years ago and I have to have subsequent checks every 3-5 years. I'd gone and got a referral this time last year but then found out I was pregnant so had to postpone. I'm scared of a couple of things - firstly, what if they find another polyp and it's been in there so long it's turned cancerous and secondly, I don't want sedation as I'm scared of being out of it and not knowing what's going on or what if I have a reaction to the drugs and never wake up! I know you're not put to sleep when you're sedated but both times I've had it before I've not remembered a thing and woken up in the recovery room. This was before my HA started and I didn't think anything of it. In fact, I wanted them to give me more drugs! Gone are those days! I'm too scared to sleep some nights in case I don't wake up in the morning so no way do I want to be sedated. But it's so painful I don't think I can do it without. What would you suggest? I've been worrying about it for a year now and just want it over and done with but really dreading it :(