Hello, and sorry in advance if this post is a bit TMI!

So, a couple of days ago I went to the loo, had to wipe quite a bit (IBS sufferer!) and noticed a very minimal amount of bright red blood on the paper. It seemed like this was coming from the outside (I couldn't see any blood on my.. um.. stools) I felt kind of.. itchy that day too.

This has happened once before a little while back (months ago same circumstances) and there was a little more blood that time but again not loads. Just ignored it then..

I've 'been' a few times since the most recent example and no blood, itchiness, totally normal..

I'm not sure whether I need to see the Dr?! Cos you read its never normal and you should go if you notice it? I'm 26, vegetarian, eat tons of fibre and drink lots of water! I know that doesn't make me immune from things but.. Argh I'm so trying not to think the worst!

Has anyone else had this?!