Hi All

After being on citalopram for a year and half i felt much better so in december i tapered down slowly and came off them i have been ok up until mid january when i got the lump in throat which progressed to painful and trouble swallowing , i had a barium swallow and have got a spasm in my oesophagus which is stopping my food and drink going down properly not sure if it is anxiety related or not ....but it is making me soooo anxious at the moment im so annoyed cause i was doing really well
Dr has started me on omeprozole and said to go back on the cit 2 days in on 2.5mg (ive cut 10mg up as i had bad side effects first time ) im hoping they will work again but know they take a while just wish i was able to eat and drink properly its really getting me down ,and i know its not going to help my throat
Just so scared of going back to the way i was a few years back and of the side affects from the cit