Okay, so I’m completely freaking out and have already had one panic attack today. I do have HA but this time things feel different.

I’ve had aching armpits for a few weeks. Last Monday I found a large, grape sized lump and made a drs appointment, naturally I started googling everything and convincing myself it was either metastasised breast cancer or hodgekins. The dr referred me for an ultrasound (no meds yet), but before I could have the ultrasound the lump shrank. I made the decision to go ahead with the ultrasound anyway, because I figured it was better to be safe than sorry.

The radiographer said that he had trouble seeing the lymph node that had been swollen, but then scanned further down and became very interested in the area further down near the side of my breast. He mentioned casually that I have ‘prominent lymph nodes’ down there. He did not say anything else but started taking lots of shots of that area. The area was tender as he was pressing on it with the scanner.

Naturally, I’ve now convinced myself that he was seeing more than just prominent lymph nodes and didn’t want to tell me.

Prominent lymph nodes in the lower axilla region that are tender, according to google it could be a host of sinister things. I do have breast implants (I had a reduction 8 years ago that went wrong and needed a reconstruction) and I’m wondering if after 8 years they’re causing problems.

I’m also coeliac.

Am I freaking out for nothing?????