Hi everyone,

I started fluoxetine 3 and a half weeks ago, having switched from sertraline because although it helped my anxiety I had really bad side-effects and it didn't touch my depression.

After about 10 days on the fluoxetine people started telling me they could see a difference in me that they couldn't pin down and I started to feel much more like myself. After about another week I found that my sleep patterns have gone back to something near normal (having been totally messed up for almost a year), I have actually had energy, been hopeful for the future, and felt some enjoyment again.

However a couple of days ago I felt depressed and tired again, then I was fine yesterday, and today again I feel inexplicably low and tearful. Does this mean that the initial seeming efficacy of the fluoxetine is wearing off or wasn't actually due to the medication, or is this sort of seeming step backwards expected? I would love to hear from anyone who has an opinion.

All the best,
Stella x