I've posted here before about my ongoing lower abdominal pains that are worse with ovulation and period (although they are present throughout the month to varying degrees). After trying lots of medication and an ovarian scan which showed one normal cyst on one ovary and couldn't see the other ovary properly as bowel was in the way, my dr referred me to the female GP in the practice. I had a full internal this morning including swabs. She said my cervix was slightly inflamed which is apparently common?? She also wants another full set of blood tests including the CA125. This is where I'm panicking big time. I know it can be high or low with and without cancer but I'm really scared now.

What if the scan, that didn't see the other ovarmiy properly was hiding ovarian cancer? She is referring me to gynae but it could take up to 3 months. She's mentioned it could be lots of things including endometriosis which I did suspect. But, the cancer fear won't leave me. She wasn't massively reassuring and, as her printer wasn't working for the blood forms, was getting flustered and wanted me out.

I've had the pains since June of last year and had the scan in early Nov. What if they missed something? I'm having the blood test next Wed as that's the earliest they can fit me in. I'm frightened and in pain and convinced I had something awful.

Please, anyone who's got words of wisdom or had similiar symptoms?