Hi all,

I've posted about this over in health anxiety too but thought I would talk about it here too.

About 3 weeks ago I went to the toilet (no bm) and when I wiped my bum there was pinky/reddy/brown stuff on the toilet paper. It wasn't anywhere near my period so of course I freaked out and in my mind it was a certainty - bowel cancer!

I've been looking at my poos a bit now and I get paranoid all the time. I've had a rusty coloured poo and in my mind it must be because there is blood there. I've also had black flakes/specks in my poo at times which also makes me think it's blood! Has anyone else had this?

I went to the doctor and she did a rectal exam aka finger up the butt and said that it felt and looked OK. She didn't offer to do a stool test or anything like that, which makes me wonder why.

My last bloods were done in Dec and they were all OK but I'm still freaking out.

Any advice?

---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 ----------

bump :(