Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this site, so please bear with me as I try to explain the issues I'm having with Prozac.

Just a little background information: I'm a 25 year old woman who has been suffering from depression and anxiety since childhood. Starting at 17, I developed severe, constant nausea that came completely out of the blue. I saw several gastro doctors who were at a loss and were unable to give me any answers. About a year ago, I began seeing a therapist because my depression and anxiety started to get out of control. I was hoping that therapy alone would do the trick, but unfortunately it seems like I need to include medication to get these issues under control.

A few weeks ago, my doctor prescribed me 10mg of Celexa. After a few days, I became extremely anxious and constantly panicky; I was having chest pain and difficulty breathing. After a chest X-ray and EKG ruled out any physical problems, she came to the conclusion that my symptoms were caused by anxiety, made worse by the Celexa.

She then prescribed me 10mg of Prozac, along with 0.5mg of Ativan to get me through the initial panic. I have been on Prozac for a week, and sure enough, just like with the Celexa, the panic and chest pains started again. So, my doctor decided to up my Prozac intake to 20mg, with an additional 10mg added weekly until I get to 40mg. Additionally, I have been having some stomach problems, mainly diarrhea. When I mentioned this side effect to my doctor yesterday, she seemed to think that it is being caused by an increase in panic, and not the medication.

Since I am so new to antidepressant therapy, I'd really appreciate any advice/insight you guys have to offer. I can deal with the increased panic and chest pain, but not the diarrhea (as I have an important job interview tomorrow morning!).

I'm so sorry for this long, rambling post, but I don't have anyone else to discuss this with and hearing from those who may be going through the same thing as me might do me a world of good.

Thank you!