So, I'm finally out of the anxiety/fear cycle. The constant feeling of dread/panic all day, obsessive thoughts, irrational fears, depersonalization, etc..

Now, I'm actually able to focus on other things and my anxiety is minimal now. I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, so I know the normal in's and out's of anxiety. But this is probably the 5-6th time I've fallen into that cycle that lasts weeks and remains 24/7, from bed 'til morning.

What causes these cycles? Is that a normal symptom of GAD and/or anxiety disorders? Is it obsessive negative thoughts that trigger the constant state of anxiety?

I'm just curious. I want to understand WHY this happens, so I can prevent it in the future. I'm currently waiting to start CBT therapy on the 11th, just for general life altering in a positive way and for social anxiety/driving anxiety.

Don't get me wrong, I'm elated that I finally feel normal and I'm not plagued by random/irrational anxiety 24/7 like I was, but I still have yet to understand what brought it on.

Also, if anyone is curious how I broke out of my panic state.. I followed the advice of many anxiety sufferers. I accepted the anxiety as my "temporary condition", made it alright to feel them, didn't fight it, etc. Constant positive affirmation when I felt surges of fear or adrenaline, like "It's alright.. It's just anxiety.. This will pass.. It always does. It's 'feel' afraid, even though it's only your mind telling you to be because of the anxious state."

It didn't work right away, but after about a week or so of doing this, I was out. My body and mind began to calm, and the anxiety and it's symptoms all pretty much lifted at the same time. I "still" have a little bit of background anxiety, but I always have, I can manage that.