Not sure if this is an anxiety symptom or what. It's definitely new for me. I just have a general feeling of lowness.. Constant feeling of worry/anxiousness. Everything feels strange and foreign and I feel almost detached/disconnected from life.. Even people I live with. My home has become something I don't recognize and I no longer feel comfortable being alone, especially at night.

I had my blood drawn and discovered that I have very low Vitamin D and potentially Low Testosterone.. I'm only 25, so this has me worried and nervous. I'm also on about Day 7-8 on starting Lexapro, so I think this has increased my anxiety some. I'm not sure though, I can't tell because I have so much going on..

Is this 'sense' of feeling like everything just feels wrong, doomed, strange, etc.. Is that depression or anxiety? I know tons of people feel this way and struggle with feelings very similar, but I feel very alone in my problems and like I'll never get out of them, because I'm convinced I have something crazy mentally wrong with me that has locked me into feeling this way forever. :\