Hi all

I have been taking Mirt now for 4 weeks. I feel like its doing absolutely zilch for my depression and its giving me anxiety.

I am also experiencing no sex drive and other weird unexpected effects there too 😞.

I'm also extremely numb. Sad but unable to cry and never ever feel happy. I dont get any pleasure in the day. The only release I get is sleep.

I'm tempted to go back to paroxetine and enjure the horrible start up effects.

Please don't say talk to your doctor as he's as much use as a glass eye and still waiting to hear back from psych referral .

Does anyone know if the numbness goes? I'm hoping the sex stuff clears up when and if my depression lifts.

I am also doing cbt but its bloody hard when nothing has a positive affect on you at all due to being numbed up.

Chris x