Hi All

I posted several months ago about my bowel symptoms, but thought I would post about having a colonoscopy.

My GP referred me to a colorectal specialist in Feb and last week performed a colonoscopy.

I was petrified but it was fine.

The prep involved a limited diet 2 days before, they the day before drinking citramag (2 glasses 4 hours apart). I was then on the toilet on and off for 4 hours but got a good nights sleep.

Went into hospital at 11am, taken to theatre at 11.30. Dr asked if I wanted to be sedated, I said yes. Given sedative at about 11.45, next thing its 12.45 and I am in recovery. On way home at 2pm.

Results are in 4 weeks. Tummy was tender and windy for 24 hours.

Hope that helps if you are waiting for one........

Don't put it off or dread it!