I'm researching the risks involved in colonoscopies ahead of my appointment on May 20.

I came across some disturbing information at Konstantin Monastyrsky's website, GutSense.org.

But before I cancel my colonoscopy and gastroscopy, I need to know if this man is credible and whether his information is accurate.

He produced two videos that explain his reasons to avoid colonoscopies, available here: http://www.gutsense.org/crc/crc_colonoscopy.html

While I'm aware of the real risks involved in having a colonoscopy, I'm hoping his warning is overblown, at least with regard to regular (i.e. non-CT) screening.

Has anyone looked into Monastyrsky's claims?

As for having a virtual (CT) colonoscopy, I didn't need much persuasion to stay away from it, and his video highlights the reasons why.