In about 3 weeks our kitten will be ready to come home, it was born about 2 weeks ago!
I have no clue on how to be a mommy to a kitty!
Can someone please help me on what to do when i bring her home and how to raise her with a 5month, 2,3 and 5 year old children!?
My husband is worried about it pooping in the house, im worried about how she will act with the kids vs verse !!

All honestly i love animals, 5 years ago my dog died and it hurt so much, my dad who also just passed 2 months ago got her for me, she was like my siter and my parents daughter!
I'm not great on losing things, with my anxiety and things i just have trouble getting close to things because of the fear of losing them!
I want a comfort pet, i'm tired of ANXIETY HOLDING ME BACK!!!!!!