Today I went to see my doc about the abnormal bleeding I've been having since January. Basically I have started getting a week of brown spotting/ brown watery discharge a week before my period starts. Previously my periods were like clockwork, every 28 days.
I also had pain in the right groin area in jan and February and had an abdominal ultrasound done in March which was clear. Anyway today the doc checked the report and all that had been written on it was "no evidence of a hernia could be found" with no mention of anything else.
She now wants me to go back for another ultrasound, she did ask if they checked all around my lower abdomen which I told her they had and had said they couldn't see anything abnormal and everything looked fine but because none of that had been out on the report she will send me for another one. Also I have to go and have a couple of swabs taken too to rule out infection. She mentioned uterine cancer!!!!!! And said that some of the symptoms I'm presenting with could be caused by that.
Obviously that is doing nothing to help my health anxiety and my cancer phobia.
I really don't want to spiral into panic attack/ worry mode. I had just assumed it was because I'm probably peri-menopausal.
Any advice would be hugely appreciated.