Hi everyone,

I have been on fluoxetine for severe depression and anxiety for just over 3 months, and the difference from how I was when I started is absolutely phenomenal. I have regained my will to live; I can sleep again; I mostly have the energy to go about my daily life; I have hope for the future; I do not feel as though the world is out to get me; I am enjoying things and am interested in things again.

However in the last week I have started to feel very tired in the evenings again and have been feeling intermittently sad and low for no real reason. I know that feeling sad sometimes is normal but I am concerned that if these are the first signs of a relapse than I should act quickly before it really takes hold again. I wonder whether all that might be needed is a dosage change or something, so am considering going back to the dr, but I don't want to waste their time if there is really nothing wrong.

Does anyone have any input? I would be interested to hear if people have had similar experiences.

All the best,
Stella xx