First I would like to introduce myself. My name is Lisa and I am a 42 year old mother of 2 boys. Married for 18 years, in a healthy relationship. I work part time and despite my anxiety and depression, I still function. ( not that we'll mind you) I have dealt with panic and ocd (thoughts), generalized anxiety and depression off and on since I was 19. I finally gave in to taking an antidepressant in my 30 ' s and had great success for 8 years (celexa). Last July on my way to vacation, I had a massive panic attack while driving on the highway. I managed to breathe it away but was left totally bewildered as to why that would happen. I called my doc and was told to increase my 20mg to 30. I got through the vacation but when I got home, the downward spiral began. Obsessive thoughts, chronic panic attacks that wouldn't come down etc... doc switched me to Zoloft and then the depression kicked in. Felt anxious and black. Went up to 100 mg for 6 weeks with no let up so I reluctantly went on effexor and after 3 mos and increasing doses, I finally felt pretty stable on 187.5. I saw a psych in Feb to discuss my meds and told him that I wanted to feel like I did on celexa and asked him about lexapro. He said it could be a good choice so stupidly I decided to wean off effe and try the lex. I did so quite slowly and when I got down to 75 mg of effexor I began having anxiety so I started the lex 5mg at night along with 75 mg of effexor during the day. This was ok until I was completely off effexor and went to 10mg of lex. Anxiety came back then subsided. After a week or so the anxiety increased again so I increased to 15mg. I had a great week or so on the 15 and then about 2 weeks ago bam the anxiety came back tenfold. I increased to 20mg and have been there for 12 days. So here we are today. Feeling agitated, anxious and extremely tired and negative. I don't know what to do at this point because I was having a response But now none. Does anyone have some words of encouragement. I'm feeling like this is not going to work for me and I will never feel myself again. I was thinking of going back on effexor but I don't know if I should just wait a little longer or what? Should I be waiting the 4 to 6 weeks from beginning an antidepressant or from when you hit a therapeutic dose? Please can someone tell me it will get better?? Much appreciated, Lisa