Hi all
I've had problems with a sore crusty nose for a while. Around a year ago my GP prescribed Naseptin, it's an antibiotic antifungal antibacterial cream. I used it and the problem seemed to go away. It came back about 4 months ago. My nose keeps feeling sore and dry. My GP prescribed Naseptin again. It came back almost straight away. I just saw an ENT specialist who said it's probably a Staph infection and suggested doing a decolonisation. You use the cream but also antibacterial body, face and hair wash and an anyibacterial gargle. Also need to change your bedding and towels every day. Also hoover and clean all hard surfaces with antibacterial stuff. You do that for 5 days and it should be gone. I really hope it goes as I've read it's related to MRSA and I worry it's already in my blood stream and that I'll end up really really ill or die. I know it doesn't respond well to antibiotics. I'm so scared. I wonder what the next stage is if I can't get rid of it.
Has anyone else had this problem or got any ideas?
Thanks for reading.
Nighttime Pacer