I've been suffering from intense anxiety for the last few days. I have had it before but I was feeling slightly better until this point. And now I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my mind and something awful will happen.

Basically, I've been suffering from a false memory for the last year which revolved around me touching someone inappropriately whilst they were sleeping. Since then I've been able to dismiss it as a false memory but now it's returned with a bang. Strangely, I'm so terrified that I will lose control and blurt out that I did it when I know for a fact that I didn't. But I get intrusive thoughts saying 'you're keeping a secret', 'you're disgusting' and I get really bad panic attacks over it to the point where I'm utterly convinced that I will lose my mind or something horrible will happen. Breathing exercises don't help much, if anything they make me feel more disorientated. I know that I didn't do it but the thought is so disturbing to the point where it feels too real.

Alongside this, I suffer from schizophrenia OCD and harm OCD and the intrusive thoughts about harming my family or others has returned. In the midst of a panic attack I feel like I am going to lose my mind and hurt others even though the thought makes me sick to the core. I'm on Citalopram 20mg but it's only been making me feel worse.

What can I do to alleviate this anxiety? I'm considering going to the hospital but I'm not sure whether I should. What can I do to bring some inner peace?