I have felt a pulse in my stomach just below my belly button and I am worried it is an abdominal aortic aneurysm. I beleve i can feel the pulse in other parts of my chest to but, so it mey just be my heartbeat. But I can see my hand moving from the pulse when it is on the spot on my stomach. But that is when my heartbeat was very strong because I was somewjat hyperventilating and panicking. I have also recently started being very paranoid about every small symptom I have and after a recent life event developed a bit of a panic disorder. Does anyone else feel this pulse in their stomach. I doubt it is an abdominal aortic aneurysm, only because none of the causes match my case nor do the symptoms mentioned. I am only 15 and I have never had any physical health problems. I have always had a very healthy physical condition and eat healthy food, don't smoke or anything like that and am not obese, I am at a healthy weight. Feedback would be greatly appreciated nonetheless. Thank you.