
I am a 25 year old female and have had bad health anxiety since my teens. I am in a really bad place at the moment as I am struggling with bad abdominal pain but because of my health anxiety none of the doctors/family seem to be taking my symptoms seriously. I am really worried that I have bowel cancer.
About a year ago I started having a pain under my left rib, it wasn't a bad pain just niggly and annoying like something was trapped underneath. I went to the docs and they suggest stomach ulcer/wind/pulled muscle but I tested negative for stomach ulcer bacteria and wind medication didn't help. I then moved from Northern Ireland to Scotland and the pain has been intermittent. Because I moved I had to change doctors so I have seen several doctors about this and all of them shrug it off as anxiety.
In the past 3 weeks the pain has gotten worse and I am now also having a scarp pain intermittently in my lower left abdomen, next to the hip. My bowel movements change often from constipation to loose, and I have mucus in my stools sometimes (no blood that I can see). In the past two weeks I have also become extremely tired, I'm even struggling to work as I am constantly exhausted. My tummy is also very bloated and massive.
I am really worried that this is bowel cancer that has spread to my ovaries or something. The fatigue is the most worrying symptom as it is new. I had an abdominal ultrasound about 4 months ago which was normal.
My doctors say they don't think it's serious and don't want to refer me for more tests as it will just spiral my anxiety.
Don't know what to do - are these symptoms of bowel cancer??

Any advice would be much appreciated.