I've recently moved back home after finishing uni and I hate it but I can't afford to move out right now. I've managed to secure a job which I start in September and this means eventually I'll be abe to afford to move out to rent somewhere, but not any time soon. We live in a bungalow so everything seems so loud and I feel like my life is one constant panic. My dad and his girlfried stomp around loudly on the wooden floors, talk loudly and shout between rooms, slam doors etc. I know it sounds stupid, but noise is one of the things that makes me most anxious. I haven't felt properly calm in ages. I appreciate that they let me live here, and I know I sound like I'm moaning them, and I know it's my problem; not there's, but does anyone have any advice? I can't concentrate properly on anything and need to feel calm. I never feel happy anymore and constantly feel like I want to cry.