I'm just popping a little message on here as a way of venting I guess so sorry if my post isn't really relevant to anything.
Recently I have decided to face my anxiety head-on and spoke to the doctor - he said that it was probably down to a change in environment as it coincided with me moving to London and starting a new job.
I have been referred for CBT and in the mean-time am working on an online course, journalling and muscle relaxation - in all honesty I am feeling better but I can feel the worry creeping back in.
I had a really busy weekend so still feeling really tired and dazed which isn't helping, although, this weekend I did start to feel more myself again which is fantastic - but tinged with a hint of the old 'what if...' sadness.

I have an xray on my hip on Wednesday and hopefully they won't find anything then it will be a long long road to recovery...

Has anyone who has gotten through this experienced this weird 'inbetween' stage -kind of anxious but almost there??

Any advice on how to work through it would be fab xx