hi there i am a big sufferer of ectopics which ruin my days sometimes,but today i was walking to my door when my heart went really wonky it missed beats one after the other not big thuds like little ones if that makes sense then it went really fast for a second fluttery like and then a few more missed beats one after the other again then fluttery fast beats,it went on like this for a minute ir two .it was trerifying .i had just been to the docs about my ectopics today and he said i was having them but my heart is fine,i wish he could have heard this im sure he would have thought twice.has anyone out there had this if so can you reasure me that it wont kill me as now im terrifeid of it coming back and worried it will stay beating this way and then going in to an arrythmia please help if you can thank you marcia x

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx