Hello lovely people,

Most of you shan't have seen my only other post here but I can confirm I am on the whole so so much better than I have been for over a year and part of that is certainly owed to you guys and the support you give on this forum!

I now find that my panic / physical symptoms almost exclusively now occur after taking caffeine or alcohol; not always but more often than not (and even a relatively small amount is enough to set it off, I've had 1 pint of beer and felt dreadful but also had 3 and been fine).

Knowing this, and having cut back extensively on my intake of both, is it wise to stop taking these altogether for the moment (I did do 2 weeks off both previously) or continue to take them responsibly?

These panic attacks induced by caffeine and alcohol are still horrible but I KNOW why they are happening. About 1 hour after drinking caffeine or when falling asleep having earlier drank alcohol an attack will strike 75% of the time. Is it possible I can learn to accept this fully and thus feel better or should I just give it a miss? The anxious side of me suggests they highlight an issue other than panic disorder that might be life threatening (lol, of course it does).

Thank you again everyone!