I've suffered from anxiety for a long time now and have tried to avoid medication after having bad experiences with it in the past.
Unfortunately I started with some horrible physical symptoms that appeared to be MS. I don't suffer with health anxiety but the 6 month wait to see a neurologist was horrible and in the meantime I diagnosed myself with fibromyalgia. The specialist put my mind at rest regarding MS and said that psychiatrists now believe that fibro is over diagnosed.
He thinks my peripheral neuropathy symptoms are a result of trauma and it's 'my body attacking itself'. He advised me to see my GP to prescribe Duloxetine.
I've googled reviews for it and read what I can about it here on NMP.
It seems that people either love it or hate it!
I've decided to try it for myself BUT I have a big wedding to go to end of Nov when my son gets married. My dilemma is whether to wait until after the wedding (7 weeks away) or start taking it now. It could greatly reduce my symptoms OR make me more of a nervous wreck.
Any advice please from anyone that uses Duloxetine?