I cannot believe it was a year ago today that I finally had enough of my symptoms to finally get help! well i actually can't even tell you the exact date because i was so out of it but i know at the end of september last year i felt the lowest i had ever felt. after fighting myself for years and years i decided to ask for help. serious real help. i was SO UNSURE at the time but i didn't see any other way i could go on. i had to do SOMETHING. then i did it! i left my house for the first time in 3 or 4 years and went to a counselor. she suggested i see a psychiatrist and get medication and to come see her twice a week. it took a few months but i only ever got better and never felt any worse.

i don't know if it is the meds, the counselling, or just plain ol passage of time or a perfect mixture of the three but my anxiety has been so manageable!

i made a post on here a year ago today that said "taking a step" and i'm so glad that i did.

and i'm so thankful for any help and any encouragement i found on this website. people who directly replied to me or made posts that helped me without ever knowing. bless all your little hearts

i'm so sorry i don't know what else to say i'm just so thankful. i haven't had a year where i felt more better than worse in so so soooo long.

i really hope that all of you can get to feeling well too!