Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
Another issue is probably that GP's can't even determine the style of therapy required so just shove everyone in the CBT bracket and let people get diagnosed and referred to the correct forms of therapy as they advance through the levels.

I wonder if you can get a referral to a psychologist where the correct form of therapy can be determined? I was offered this but then once assessed the waiting list for any treatment is a minimum 12 months. Some areas don't even have the Level 4 though so god knows what happens to them...they most likely just suffer with no help and a GP that just dishes out the pills and doesn't try to help them.
From what my GP told me they have no choice when referring for counselling; any referral automatically goes though to the IAPT service. IME the IAPT service is crap and they only offer CBT or short counselling sessions if you have been bereaved or something, but nothing more intensive than that. I was assessed by them 3 times and they bounced me back, admitting they couldn't help me as I had 'too many issues' for their service and was sceptical about yet more CBT.

The GP explained that to access group psychotherapy that runs in the city or other higher tiers of care you have to go via "secondary services". I'm not sure exactly what that is but I think it means being referred to a psychiatrist, or MH team. The GP seems to think this is inappropriate in my case. Presumably I'm not unwell enough to be moved up the ladder to tier 3/4 or whatever it is.

So my only option is to win the lottery and pay for private therapy I guess. Or have a total breakdown and run around the city naked speaking to imaginary people?

Apologies for ranting off topic. The NHS MH services are just so disappointing and only getting worse. Does the government not realize how much money it would save on benefits and NHS in the LONG RUN if they funded better and more extensive MH care. Everything is about short term thinking - give people 6 weeks of CBT, get them back to work ASAP and never mind if they are ill again in 3 months.