Hi all,

I have been reading on these forums for some time and just wanting to share some info about my situation with you. I have a form of Emetophobia but it is a bit different then the other people who have this problem. I only have it when I am in a environment in which I can't escape with lots of people. So that is actually only with 3 things ; A bus, plane when take off or landing ( because need to be seated and seatbelt on when landing )

In a movie theater, meetings etc etc. I don't have it or very little as I know in the back of my mind I can always go to the restroom. But just with these 3 situations I get pretty have panic attacks. Although I never got sick once on a plane and I know I can always "run" to the toilet even if the seatbelt sign is on it is some kind of mental barrier i suppose that as soon we take off or land I cannot go at will.

Now this makes me think and hopefully some people can help me. Is it really the fear of getting sick in a public environment and not being able to "go" if it really needs to in a safe environment? As i assume it is also a shame factor of what will people say or think of you get sick in public. Or is it a control issue and more towards a clausterfobic factor?

I hope this story makes a bit sense. Thanks for all your help and I am happy that I am not the only one out there.