I am new to this site. I have suffered from health anxiety for many years. I am gripped by a new fear at the moment. I have had IBS for a long time. I have sometimes had constipation but mostly griping stomach pains and sometimes a really urgent need to go to the loo straight after eating, usually with violent diarrhoea. However about 3 and a half weeks ago I suddenly had violent watery diarrhoea. tis continued 3 or 4 times that evening and has more or less continued since then. I tried eating a really bland diet for a couple of days and have started taking probiotics. this helped a little. I have a couple of days in that time where I haven't gon to the toilet at all but about 90% of the time diarrhoea has dominated.
My son got married at the weekend and I am a teacher and expecting Ofsted any minute so I know these are things that may have stressed me out. I had a stool sample test last week for a bacterial infection but it was clear. know my GP thinks it is a flair up of IBS but this isn't how it usually affects me. I am feeling really frightened and am convincing myself that I have cancer. I am resisting the urge to google but feel myself going down into the familiar spiral of despair. can anyone help. please. has anyone else had constant diarrhoea like this out of the blue?