I could really use some perspective right now. I've been hit by a totally unexpected wave of health anxiety, and I'm sitting here trembling, looking at the doctor's blood work requisition, wondering what he suspects I may have...

I went to the doctor today because I had pain in my neck and throat. After examining me, he suggested doing a little blood work. I thought it was just going to be a CBC (complete blood count), along with Vit. B12, and a check-up of my thyroid. But he also checked off Glucose, TSH, Creatine, ALT, and Alk. Phosphatase... things involved with liver and kidney function, and the word "diabetics" came up several times when I looked into these things.

Does anyone know if it's standard for doctors to check these things specifically, especially when they don't talk about it with the patient? It's 3:00 a.m. here and I should be sleeping, but this has me too afraid to sleep. :(