im just wondering if anyone else has found a link between the bcp and depression/anxiety?

In August 2012 after I got married I was due on during my honeymoon. I continued taking the pill (two packs back to back) which made me feel very sick. I then panicked and stopped eating and it ruined our honeymoon. Because of this and the fact that I often feel sick at the beginning of my period I decided to have the IUD put in. At the beginning of sept I had it put in. This went horribly and I had it out within two days. I then stared mercilon again. What followed was a 'nausea' bug, daily panic attacks (especially in the morning), flu like symptoms every day and depression. This went on for two months. At the end of it I upped my citalopram to 30mg but I'm not sure of it was that that helped or the fact my body had got used to the hormones

This year my dh and I decided to try for a baby and I came off the pill and weaned off citalopram. I got down as low as 5mg every other day. On the second half of my cycle I found I felt extremely sick and actually thought I was pregnant. In sept I also had extremely bad pain that my dh took me to A&e with. We decided I wasn't ready and so at the beginning of October I went back on the pill (Mercilon). I then had a flu like bug. Followed by lots of nausea. Then my last period I started panicking and losing my appetite the week before my period and it continued during it. I had severe panic attacks and was very nauseous. In fact on the Friday I came on I was off sick as I felt like I had the flu. I then came on and felt stupid! But the following week the nausea got strong and I was off sick again. Oh I had also just upped my cit to 15mg (I didn't really get side effects from upping when I went to 30mg two years ago but I know hightenwd anxiety is a side effect).

Last week my anxiety got the best of me when I went to London on Tuesday. I didn't eat that day and I felt very sick the next three days. On the Thursday I took the day off sick and upped my cit to 20mg. Therefore it can't have been that causing the symptoms as I only upped it as I was putting off doing it in case it made me feel sick and I already did.

This week I have lost my appetite and keep getting panic attacks in the morning and feeling flu like. I put it down the hightened anxiety from the cit but I also stopped taking my bcp on Wednesday for my weeks break. So I am starting to wonder if it is more likely that causing these issues and that is why the cit isn't working yet?

Anyone else experiences this?