What does it all mean?

I've been getting night sweats almost every night for the past 3 weeks. They vary in intensity. Last night was quite a bad one.
All day I have clammy hands and my pulse races. I daren't test it as I'm too scared. God knows what its really like at rest as each time I check, I'm probably an anxious mess.

Got a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I'm desperately trying not to google in the mean time. I know my blood pressure will go through the roof when they test it as I'm very very anxious about it at the moment and I think I have white coats.

I am sure he or she will probably send me for blood tests and the usual. I might ask for an ecg to put my mind at rest as I've never had one before. Although I might have once in a&e, I can't remember. I'm sure I did. This was a while ago though.