Sigh.. a new physical problem I have lately. My anxiety level has been on a roller coaster ride this year.

About a week ago, I began experiencing anal discharge. It happens for a few hours after my regular morning bowel movement. My bowel movement is normal for the most part.

But soon after, I began to feel some liquid discharge around my anus region. The discharge is a clear liquid, thankfully no blood. The liquid does smell a little though. I have to constantly go back to the bathroom to wipe at least 3 or 4 times a day. When I pass gas, sometimes the liquid gets discharged instead. Sometimes it soils my underwear a little, extremely embarrassing. Needless to say, it is affecting my work. It usually gets slightly better in the evening though.

I am hoping that it will clear up by itself instead of seeing the doctor. I have been to the doctor frequently this year and I could tell he is quite sick of seeing me.

Does anyone have a similar experience?