Hi all,

I don't post here often but find reading the posts so helpful

I'm going through one of my health flare ups and as usual think this could be the time I'm right :(
I'm terrified at the moment I have inflammatory breast cancer. I am currently breast feeding my 15 month old son, since august I have had a rash constantly reoccurring on my left breast. At first just little raised pimples that sometimes would itch, couple of hydrocortisone applications and they would be gone.
Then turned into an itchy bumpy rash in an area at the inside of the breast, would clear mostly then flare up again. Eventually went to the doctor who gave me fungal cream was 90% gone before coming back again so went back and was given a steroid cream which took it away completely after a week. Carried on using the cream cutting it down to a tiny bit a day after two weeks. A week after cutting it down the rash came back the worst it's been. Went back to the doctor v worried seen by the skin specialist at the surgery who is adamant it's just exzema, she says cancer wouldn't respond to creams and to carry on with the steroid cream plus moisturiser. I can't shake this worry tho it consumes me Andy husband is fed up of me going on :(
Anyone had any experience with this, so
Sick of worrying and not enjoying things x