Hell I'm new here and in a rut again. I've had many probs with intrusive thoughts I have had thoughts of harming my son to worry's of I'm going to be unfaithful this is the problem I have now and I'm struggling to cope.
I'm 47 and happily married last week we unfortunately had to berry my father in law it was an emotional day and I had a lot to drink at the wake. Behind the bar was a lady and like most men I looked at her as she was OK.
I spoke to her nothing sexual or flirty and I left thinking nothing of it. But when I woke up I was completely shocked by my thoughts of really fancying her. Since then I keep thinking I am going to this club to see her and I can't budge the thought.I'm really worried as everything seems to be driving me mad. I'm not looking forward to Xmas. Please please help

Thanks dean