Hi. I'm 26yrs old and just yesterday I was prescribed cymbalta for anxiety...even tho I still can't accept it is anxiety...I've suffered with dizziness, shakiness, heart racing, fear that something wrong with heart/brain, fear of heart attack or tumor etc..for the last 6 wks .all bloods, ct, X-ray, holter monitor, ECGs clear...but I can't seem to accept it.

Anyways, I went to doc yesterday cos I just couldnt calm myself - safe to say I was a mess! He prescribed cymbalta. I've never been on any other meds and safe to say I am stressing and probably even more anxious about side effects of it.

I'm on 30mg once a day and first dose was this morning. I already felt yuck I've had no appetite and have pains that I went to hospital for last night that they couldn't explain..ECG, bloods, X-ray fine aside from slightly elevated heart rate...I keep fearing I'm gonna have a heart attack again today and these pains which are in my ribs shoulder back and occasional harm and centre chest are the lead up to it.

I am feeling strange in the head like dizzyish or something but don't know if that's normal or a side effect of cymbalta...has anyone not had side effects? Is it working for anyone? I see my gp again on Thursday so I can be referred to a psychologist. Freaking out!