Hi all

After a bit of advice and support on how I deal with my cancer fear...

I had a bladder infection almost 3 weeks ago and even though the infection has gone now (had this confirmed by having urine tests) I am still experiencing burning. I saw a Dr on Monday who gave me some steroid cream to use down there as she said I am probably irritated (I had suspected thrush too) and if it isn’t calmed down in a week to go back and she will examine me. It burned after I had a wee late yesterday morning then the burning went off, and the same happened today but its still burning! I haven’t been drinking much water though so just downed a load now hoping that will help.

Anyway I am panicking cause I am on day 4 of the cream now and I am still burning after I wee and the opening to my urethra feels really sore! I am scared I have some sort of cancerous growth up there that is causing it or something is seriously wrong.

I am paranoid I have bladder or urethra cancer, or I have kidney cancer that is blocking my tubes. The Dr who tested my urine on Monday said it was healthy with no infection or blood etc... but I just can’t stop worrying. Why am I STILL burning down there?!

I have been feeling so tired lately too which I am now thinking is because I have cancer!

Basically I just feel like I can’t enjoy my life cause every time I have any sort of illness, however minor it may seem, I diagnose myself with cancer and really seem to focus on all the symptoms... it’s like the symptoms feel worse cause I know they are there so they are all I think about! I just want to stop.

I am only 30 and my boyfriend has said he is going to propose this year and we’ve got a lovely holiday planned and allsorts, my job is going great etc... I have everything in the world to be happy about and look forward to but I am just CONVINCED I will have it all snatched away from me by getting cancer and being seriously ill! I just can’t cope with this CONSTANT fear!!!

Sorry to go on, but I just can’t concentrate on anything else at the mo and I needed to get this off my chest.

Can anyone offer some tips of how I get through this please?

Thanks xx