Hey there,

Long story short: back 7 months ago, I traveled somewhere with friends and got drunk and hired an escort and I was so drunk, suddenly the condom broke and I through it away and continued the having sex.

Came back home, after 3 weeks I started to nose bleed, then noticed a lymphoma node under the right side of jaw, night sweat and some tiny, super tiny bumps on my penis ring.

Got depressed. Panicled. Couldn't sleep at all.

Waited a month and did a combo test for HIV... Negative.
Second month... Negative.
And, finally, 3rd month did HIV test + ALL STDs... ALL Negative.

However, I'm still worried and I think because of that lymphoma node. It's a very, very strong symptom, which makes me can't believe it's not related to HIV... I mean, it's still there and I can't feel it, and first thing in the morning is to check if it's gone or not... It didn't and looks like it won't.

I'm truly depressed and I can't get my mind to think like before, I regret what I did. All I do all day long is feeling my glands all over my body like an animal and I don't have the courage to go through the testing again, but doctors says I don't have it if it's negative after 2 months and 3 months is final.

I really wrote this while being kind of drunk and I'm keeping short, really. I wish I can write the whole experience, but it will be boring for most of you and maybe skip it.

Help me get over this, guys.