I don't really know what to do.
My doctor told me to wait a month and see if my symptoms go away, and if they don't she'll refer me to a neurologist.
My left side has been feeling odd and weak for a few weeks now, and I've been getting random pain and 'under-skin vibration-type' tremors in my hands for about a year now I think. Today my left hand and arm feel so weak, and I feel clumsy typing and opening doors and things and even though I keep testing to see if I can do normal things, I generally can but I don't feel 100% in control of my hand.
I'm worried because I didn't tell her these things when I went, as I accidentally booked in with the one GP I didn't want as she wasn't very good the last time I saw her and now I'm stuck with her.
She told me to book a counselling appointment as she thinks the symptoms might be 'psychosomatic' or something and told me 'they're not going to ignore my symptoms and not take me seriously' but she clearly is.
I'm too scared to go to a counsellor. I don't want to talk about how I'm feeling hopeless, and spend every moment of every day worried sick, if not about my health, about everything else, and that I'm scared of dying but at the same time really don't care because then at least I won't spend my life scared.
They're not going to understand. Or they're going to tell me stuff I already know because they're only trained to treat basic anxiety, not health anxiety. And they won't know if my symptoms are real or not.
I don't know what to do. I can't talk to my mum any more because I am just worrying her much too much and I hate myself for it.
I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself but I feel like I have a disease, that seemingly is now affecting my muscles and no-one has diagnosed it and I'm going to die.